



Sunday, June 13, 2010

reflection 4

I have been going through i personal dilemma ever since my college decision had been made. Which major should i go into? The question is this, what am i willing to do for the money? My dilemma is whether i pursue a sweet major and try to get a sweet job, but it could potentially have less pay and harder to find employment. Or the other hand is to pursue a boring hard major, and more easily find a job and get higher pay. I've heard it is hard to succeed in something you dont like to do, but i also heard that eventually you will get a job, will not like your job, and you need the money. So my decision is split. To add to difficulty, the school im in now, which to change i would need to change majors, is giving me a scholarship to attend. This school is the business school. I want to do astronomy. Maybe engineering. But who knows, i could apply for scholarships for the science school, but its difficult and what if i dont get a scholarship. SO as you can see, i am confused. Oh well, i will hope to find out soon. I think i will work to feel out where im at to decide what course to study.

current event 4

Office 2010 has lots of nifty new features to recommend

By Edward C. Baig, USA TODAY

On Tuesday the latest version of microsoft office came out, microsoft office 10. This has been much anticipated and it today is the leading software by use. The basic edition holds all but outlook and publisher and access, two voids which the business and professional editions fill. The biggest new thing about this new software is the ability to transfer items to and from your computer via cyberspace. This allows peer to peer exchange and pull ups from all over the world. Multiple people can edit the documents, too. There is also a protection key to prevent others from editing and viewing your documents. There are also the basic upgrades such as style fonts and word art, too. This is expected to top the charts, and i hope my new computer for college has one of these bad boys.

Monday, June 7, 2010

reflection 3

Recently i saw the documentary movie Religulous by Bill Maher. In the movie, Maher goes all around the world and explains his side on religion. He states he is not a believer, but also not a disbeliever. He says he is simply a doubter. He doesnt see why there would be such a concept which has costs millions of lives in war and conflict. He doesnt understand why there would be symmetry in divine occurances over times of thousands of years unless people were making it up. He doubts the missing ideas in religion on the miracles too.
i thought this movie was very interesting. I am not very religous myself, although i want to say i believe in a higher presence. I also speculate the idea or fundamentalists in religion. I always wondered why a god would care about certain things that did no harm whatsoever to anyone, but rather embraced his creatures. I dont understand why god would have such humanly emotions such as jealousy. I have gone to church about fifty times in my life. This is usually on major holidays and due to the fact that my uncle is a preacher. My dad believes in certain higher presence, but he has his own thing going. I also think that Maher has a good point about religion causing conflict. Why would we want authority which makes someone want to kill hundreds of people for their god. It just never made sense to me, and i guess that is why i am lacking the religous side.

current event 3

Your Brain on Computers

Hooked on Gadgets, and Paying a Mental Price

Well here it is, the first published worrying of the old generation. In this article, the author makes a point that with all the influx of technology in todays modern age, humans are becoming less acute with certain tasks. Scientists have shown that people today have a harder time trying to focus on things. With all this new techonology and information, we take as much in as we can and multitask. And although people think multitasking is beneful, scientists found that too much can weaken the effectiveness, not only while doing it, but also when not doing it as people have trouble focusing on one thing. When multitasking also, scientists found that people have trouble shutting out irrelevant information, which make them less efficient. Studies found that today people take in three times as much information as people did in 1960. Studies also found that every hour, people at work change browser windows or check email on an average of 37 times an hour. Scientiists also agree that with all this information and technology available, people crave it, similar to drugs or food or sex, and without it, they feel stressed or bored. People have complained about their family having less time together and people forgetting events because they are busy with technology.