



Sunday, March 14, 2010

editorial 4

National School Standards, at Last

Published: March 13, 2010


This is a very good article talking about how the national level of education varies from place to place, even district to district. This has caused the united states to be brought down on the list of most highly educated people. The problem was brought up in 1983 by the 'No child left behind' policy. This is a mere reflection of what some say is mediocrity. They explain that if we accept average in our early child life, we will grow up to be average adults. The federal agencies have conducted tests that show that even though students in some areas score high on test they are given at their school, they score very badly on the test given federally. With a poor area, education becomes poorer, kids grow up with less education and get low level jobs, thus hurting our economy and country. A board of superintendents are forming a national organization which would unify education standards across the US.
I liked this article and i agree with it one hundred percent. Average should not be condoned in society. There is no point in living a miracle of life and choosing to waste it. We can improve people, our society, and many other aspects of our life just by expanding our education. It is a great idea and im down for it, besides, it wouldnt effect us, because we are the smartest in the nation.

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