



Sunday, March 7, 2010

editorial 3?

Justice for Judges

Published: March 5, 2010


The editorial talks about how low the salaries are for judges around the nation. The author says the worst is definitely New York in terms of lowest salary. Compared to the New Jersey judges, they make about 30,000 dollars less a year. The problem is that we cannot simply raise the salary because it would be linked to the politicians salary, which is a big no no in the justice system. Also, doing this would be in contradictory to the checks and balances of powers in the constitution. They author suggested that they make a commission that slowly raises the pay over the next two years. This would be helpful, considering it hasnt increased since 1999, despite higher costs of living.
I thought this article was interesting. It really makes you ponder over all the difficulties of politics in our nation. It is not an easy job, and no answer is ever clear and positive. I think the judges should definitely get a pay raise, for they are the most important part of our federalist system. Over time would be a good idea too, but either way it needs to get done.

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