



Sunday, November 22, 2009

What about the new principal?

I have already heard who our new principal is and i am pretty excited. Nevertheless, our principal should have certain qualities which set him or her aside from all other administrators. First of all, they should be very, very good with people. They should be able to work cooperatively with other groups and be very understanding. Second, they should be a great leader, who knows and can set correct priorities for himself and the school. I think they should be able to interact in a friendly manner and not be an old loser or a really big nerd goody goody. They should also be very into school sports and not be a nerdy person, for the pride and spirit of herndon doesnt lie in the acedemics, but in the sports!


  1. I agree with Austin and now knowing that Mr. Bates is the principal I think he has all the qualities he described. I am excited that Mr. Bates was choosen as our school principal and I think he will do a fantastic job and really chagne the school for the better.

  2. I agree with you on the qualities a principal should have. I feel that the most important quality they should have is their ability to deal with people. I was also excited to hear that Mr. Bates was our new principal and feel that he has many of the traits that you mentioned in your post.
