



Sunday, November 22, 2009

Week 1 cartoon


Obama china debt
By Cardow - The Ottawa Citizen * Posted 11/20/2009 12:00:00 AM
© Copyright 2009 Cardow - All Rights Reserved.

This is a political cartoon explaining America's and China's relationship with one another. It is drawn by Cardow and was published on PoliticalCartoons.com. The baseline issue mentioned here is how America is in Chinas palm right now because of our current domestic issues. First of all, China has America "courtsying for them" because we are in grave need of their plethora of money. China has a lot of this money because they are a exporting nation. we on the other hand, import a lot of our stuff. Therefore, domestically, we have little extra money. China has a lot though, and when we need some, we ask them for help. Here, this cartoon shows and explains that America, more specifically President Obama, is being totally controlled and ran by the Chinese indirectly. This i think is a correct message, because we rely so much on their money for borowing. I think we should find a different way to decrease the National Deficit and NOt have to rely on China so much, for it could bring up probelms in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Nice, Austin!!!!! I used a very similar political cartoon for mine, it's pretty cool that we can connect on an intellectual level like this. I recognize most of your points, especially about how a country like the US should be responsible for its mistakes, instead of outsourcing their debt to other countries. The United States government is merely a pawn of the Chinese New World Order.
