



Sunday, November 22, 2009

What about the new principal?

I have already heard who our new principal is and i am pretty excited. Nevertheless, our principal should have certain qualities which set him or her aside from all other administrators. First of all, they should be very, very good with people. They should be able to work cooperatively with other groups and be very understanding. Second, they should be a great leader, who knows and can set correct priorities for himself and the school. I think they should be able to interact in a friendly manner and not be an old loser or a really big nerd goody goody. They should also be very into school sports and not be a nerdy person, for the pride and spirit of herndon doesnt lie in the acedemics, but in the sports!

Week 1 cartoon


Obama china debt
By Cardow - The Ottawa Citizen * Posted 11/20/2009 12:00:00 AM
© Copyright 2009 Cardow - All Rights Reserved.

This is a political cartoon explaining America's and China's relationship with one another. It is drawn by Cardow and was published on PoliticalCartoons.com. The baseline issue mentioned here is how America is in Chinas palm right now because of our current domestic issues. First of all, China has America "courtsying for them" because we are in grave need of their plethora of money. China has a lot of this money because they are a exporting nation. we on the other hand, import a lot of our stuff. Therefore, domestically, we have little extra money. China has a lot though, and when we need some, we ask them for help. Here, this cartoon shows and explains that America, more specifically President Obama, is being totally controlled and ran by the Chinese indirectly. This i think is a correct message, because we rely so much on their money for borowing. I think we should find a different way to decrease the National Deficit and NOt have to rely on China so much, for it could bring up probelms in the future.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

current event 6

Trick-or-Treating at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Who is my favorite president?

my favorite president of the United States of America is George Washington. George Washington was the greatest leader in our nation's history in my opinion. We as a nation were able to rally under his leadership and accomplish many goals that were considered impossible at the time. He served as Commander-in-chief of the continental army for the entire session of the Revolutionary war. He seemed to have to ulterior motives in his head except for the well being of all persons in the new country. When the states were trying to ratify a constitution also, during the meetings of the continental congress in philadelphia, washington oversaw the entire convention and was the only one allowed to write anything down and stuff. he was given huge amounts of respect and power. This was because people trusted him because he was a good guy. He also went to go bathe at Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, and had his own special bath. Thanks George.