



Sunday, October 4, 2009

current event 2


Over the recent years, American economy has been plummeting. We are now in a recession, and almost on the brink of a depression. Recently, with bailouts and what not, legislation has been pushing towards pulling the United States out of this downfall. Unfortunatley, 9.8 percent from 9.7 percent and that 263,000 jobs were lost last month. This called for even more changes, and the president was first to speak of the change. In legistlature, they voted to help out the unemployed in America by extending enhanced unemployment benefits past December, continuing a tax credit for workers who have been laid off and extending a tax credit for first-time home buyers. An extended bonus congress hopes to add also is that they add 13 more weeks of benefits to states with an unemployment rate over 8.5 percent. Over the last couple years, the situation has improved, but still needs more help. Democrats are most fervent about this situation. Some critics say Obama's stimulus package wasnt good enough, also.

I think this is a good thing that legislation is acting on this problem. People with no jobs cant help out economic situation. Money is needed by people. I do believe people are giving Obama a hard time about this and his stimulus. The job at hand wasnt an easy one for the rookie president. But overall i think the article was good.

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