



Sunday, September 27, 2009

Early Word: What to Do About Iran By Janie Lorber [blog]


With Obama as president, there was some relief to many citizens of America. But the task at hand was a daunting one. Obama would now how to deal with affairs in Iran. Ever since September 11th, 2001, the nation has been tormented with the idea of a foreign terrorist threat, and even so, a threat that a foreign country has weapons of mass destruction. The problem is that Iran still is a threat. The U.S. is still not sure whether they have uranium enrichment program which they are secretly hiding. Obama's idea was to now start diplomatic talks with Iran discussing the situation, something that has not happened in over 30 years. In the talk, Obama plans to tell Iran that they must allow inspectors to check documents and the construction of the clandestine plant. They must do this within weeks, or military action will take place. Certain supporters are pushing the Iran sanctions bill through congress hoping to get it signed. Obama said that he is willing to do any actions necessary.

I think this is a rational idea by the president. He makes an informed decision that an action must be taken, but he tries to move forward with this issue in a passive-aggressive manner. He wants to be firm, but does not want to seem hostile. He knows if he is to get anything done, it will have to be in a sort of cooperation with this nation of Iran. It is good to see that new diplomatic talks are being held after so many years.

I think this is a good article, it is shorter so i dont lose interest, but it is effective in displaying the authors point. They have background, as well as appeals to authority. So it works for me.

Which political party are you most closely aligned with?

I would consider myself more closely aligned with the Democratic party, although I have not paid much attention to politics before. Though when certain ideas are brought up, I have always been fervent in my beliefs. These beliefs Ive had, had more than not been aligned with democrats. I think this is due to the idea that Democrats tend to be more socially liberal, which i believe is far and honest way to approach things. With a conservative, republican societies, certain aspects would be banned or frowned upon, even though the whole story is not known. Such ideas are like that of abortion. I believe that abortion should be legal. I'm not saying that it is okay to have an abortion everytime a woman becomes stupidly pregnant, for such an idea should not be taken lightly, but i do say that someone should not have to live with such a regret or mistake, say if she was raped or something. The choice should be ultimately up to the citizen. No one should have to go through their life without the justice and freedom to be as happy as possible. Also, another problem, is that gay marriage is frowned upon mostly from republicans. This also makes no sense to me. In the land of the free, it should not matter what someone else is doing to make themselves happy as long as they do not hurt you. The idea of wanting to stop someone else's happiness is sinful. Also, Democrats believe in economics from the bottom up. The idea is the economy will improve if the people at the bottom do better. This leads to the welfare system, minimum wage, and universal health care. This method makes more sense to me than a top down system. Along these lines, i find myself more associated with the beliefs of democrats.