



Monday, January 18, 2010

Personal Blog

I would like to blog about the new amazing show i just saw on discovery channel, called Planet Earth. I knew about this show earlier, but never took the time to watch all of it. I recently watched the "Extremes" episode, and boy was it sweet. There are underground caves that go for hundreds of thousands of feet and that home thousands of the craziest species. It also shows that birds can fly above the height of mt everest. It shows caves that have been cut off from the earth's surface for over 2000 years, which hold the purest water on earth. The best part about this show though is the picture and video and clarity, especially in HD. the show shows you a whole other part of the earth you never see. It was mind blowing and recommend it to everyone.

Cartoon for jan 15


The cartoon i picked is called PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN, COLOR
and it is drawn by Randy Bish as part of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. The post was made at 1/18/2010. This is a political cartoon dealing with the earthquake in Haiti. It shows a the "new pirates of 2010" smiling while thanking americans for the money for "haiti". They are above a chest of gold labled phony charities. They are saying that people, and a lot of them, and stealing money from americans using these fake charities. The money is originally meant for people in need and i agree this is terrible and should be brought to attention. It is a horrible things to do and people are selfish.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

new year administration

I think things are looking brighter for the Obama administration. First off, lets get things straight. He was left with a job with a lot of food on his plate. There was a daunting task at hand considering the war and economic downturn. But so far, i would have to say things are looking better. Or at the very least, we seem to be working on it in a positive manner. One major concern for me is the very new decision which was put in place pertaining to the war in Iraq. The decision was recently made to increase the number of troops over there by thirty thousand. This is something i am not happy about. I really cannot see the need for such a thing, war isnt something you just do in the meantime. Plus, although i understand peoples concerns about an exit strategy, i dont think proposing one would be the best plan, especially since we are fighting a sneaky bunch. They will simply wait until about three or however many years and then once we leave they will continue the fight. I think it is a small step forward though, at the very least. We are working for a greater good. Things are looking better for the administration. hope he doesnt mess up.

Political cartoon


The State of American Security COLOR
By Wolverton. From Cagle Cartoons. Posted 1/10/2010 12:00:00 AM.

This cartoon deals with the state of american securty and how easy it is for terrorists to pass our security. The author is implying that we make is easy for them, we dont pay attention, we are careless, and stupid. The message of the cartoon is to say that we need to pay more attention to what is going on so we wont have another terrorist attack. I agree with this message, we were all serious after 9/11 but now we have sort of put it on the back burner. we cannot have this because once another attack happens everyone will point fingers but it wont matter. the issue needs to be addressed.